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来源: 宁波旅游景区   景区:奉化滕头村  编辑: 火车吧





  宁波滕头生态景区,位于浙东沿海开放城市奉化城北6公里,距宁波市区27公里、宁波机场15公里、国家级风景名胜区溪口12公里。景区总面积2平方公里,以绝美的生态景观名扬中外,曾先后接待过江泽民、朱镕基、李长春、曾庆红等数十位国家领导人,并被江泽民同志誉为“一个了不起的村庄”。 滕头生态景区不断改善景区软硬件设施,提高服务质量,与溪口风景区联合创建国家AAAAA级旅游景区。滕头生态旅游景区不仅田园秀美,生态怡人,还以“和谐、生态、环保”为主题开展了乡村农俗风情体验游、都市农夫体验游、惊险表演刺激体验游及党政考察特色游,让游客充分、体验自然、传统、创造文化的内在情趣。 在2010年上海世博会参展案例中,宁波滕头村成为世界上唯一一个进驻2010上海世博会"最佳城市实践区"的乡村。 Ningbo Tengtou Ecotourist Attraction is located in Tengtou, “a fascinating village” 6 km north of Fenghua city proper, 27 km from Ningbo City, 15 km from Ningbo International Airport, and 12 km to Xikou the national tourist resort. It covers an area of 2 square kilometers only but is so renowned for the ecological achievements and landscapes made by the villagers that state leaders of China and senior officials from the United Nations have paid frequent visists to it. With the development of the village economy, its facilities, both hardware and software, have improved continuously, and so it is with the service quality. It has therefore successfully attained the AAAAA Class National Tourist Attraction jointly with Xikou the national tourist resort. Tengtou Ecotourist Attraction highlights not just its pastorals and eco-harmony but varieties of experiential programs developed under the theme “Harmonization, Eco-balance & Environment-friendliness”, such as Old-time Country Life, Urban Farming, Thrill Show & Go, Administrative Inspection Tour, etc., all  of which offer tourists an impressive opportunty to enjoy nature, tradition, and creation.     Tengtou is the sole village globally selected by Expo 2010 Shanghai as a UBPA case entitled Harmony of Unbanization and Ecology of Tengtou Village, China.  

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